My Rep Quit, Now What?My Manager once told me that my sole purpose in the organization was to remove the obstacles for my team, and if I were good at removing these obstacles, or things preventing them from doing their job, then we would have a happy & productive Team, and the benefit to us, is they will stay with the organization.
I was listening to a podcast about the number of Leads the average salesperson must handle and it ranged in the thousands. So, as a previous Sales Rep and Manager, I shudder at the thought of who has time to call these Leads. Is this not an obstacle preventing the Rep from succeeding? How accurate is the information they were given? When you think about it, it is overwhelming to the rep. How are they going to manage all those leads in a timely manner before those leads become dead and irrelevant?
If we want to keep reps, we need to remove the obstacles, and in this case, it is the mountain of leads. By removing this obstacle, our reps can spend more time selling. Less time deciphering a large list. We need a process to make it easier for our reps. If our Reps are achieving targets and making budget then things would be different.
Do yourself a favor, if not for today, for tomorrow, because we know your sales Rep will quit eventually, make sure the CRM or the notes they use is where you can see it and is relevant, otherwise you have grandfathered your problem to the next Rep, and for you as a Sales Manager, Groundhog Day does repeat. My Sales Rep |